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Latest News

January 2025
February 2023
Glass lifts, also known as glass elevators, are becoming increasingly popular in modern architecture due to their sleek and stylish design.
January 2023
Circular elevators, also referred to as round or cylindrical lifts, present a unique and contemporary alternative to traditional rectangular elevators.
December 2022
By having premises that cater to people of all abilities, you increase your customer base, and in turn the success of your restaurant, hotel or shop.
November 2022
Most people know the main differences of both escalators and lifts but there is so much more to both machines than meets the eye.
November 2022
There are different types of lifts that are used in restaurants and all are used for specific purposes to further the ability of the business.
October 2022
When thinking about whether a home lift is right for you, one of the main concerns most people have is safety. Is a home lift safe and if so how safe are they really?
October 2022
The majority of office buildings over 5-6 floors that now have an office lift have praised how efficient having one really can be.
September 2022
Lifts are designed to make things easier for the end user, with that in mind what does a commercial end user need from a lift?
September 2022
Lifts can be helpful in many different ways for many different businesses, it’s just a matter of knowing what’s the right lift for your business.
August 2022
What are the top lift maintenance tips to ensure your lift stays in the best shape for as long as possible?
August 2022
Home lifts are becoming increasingly popular and are steadily growing in becoming a necessity in the home.